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You have positions to fill... and we have thousands of qualified applicants that attend our job fairs! Average attendance is nearly 3,000 people per day.

We're confident that if you take a few minutes to learn more About our Job Fairs that you'll see why we're the fastest growing recruitment events in the United States. Over 1,500 companies use our events to recruit and hire new employees.

Our Client List is impressive! It's a who's who of American business, and quite frankly it's one of the reasons why our job fairs are so successful!


But don't just take our word for it... see What Our Clients Have To Say. We're confident they'll tell to you we produce first-class job fairs at the lowest Price in the industry!

By the time you get to the Exhibitor Information Area... You should be ready to sign-up for the next job fair. Please go to our Schedule of Job Fairs to find the City nearest where you are currently recruiting.

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